Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals,
Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be
Here are more interesting dementia articles and activities,
By kjones83
Caring for someone who suffers from dementia requires a lot of compassion, patience, and most of all, knowledge about this affliction. Whether you are a loved one or professional caregiver, these basic rules will help you.
And remember to always leave any real medical care to a professional.
Step 1 Remember that someone who suffers from dementia has good days and bad. At some points, they may be more responsive and alert. At other times, they may be withdrawn, angry or confused. Learn to recognize their state and respond accordingly.
Step 2 Be aware that many dementia patients tend to wander. If your loved one or patient often becomes restless and tries to wander, instead take them on a supervised walk. This often soothes their need to move around.
Step 3 If the patient or loved one does not know the accurate year, month or day of the week, do not correct them. This will only lead to further confusion. Instead, steer the conversation toward a more general but related topic. For instance, if the patient thinks it is 1942, ask "But how is the weather out today?"
Step 4 Familiar objects can often be a source of comfort to those with dementia. Keep these items around to help a dementia patient gain a sense of recognition when they are feeling confused.
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When caring for an elderly friend or family member who has cognitive impairment, you can’t allow your own physical and emotional needs to fall by the wayside.
- Day Care Dementia
This is very good information a really nice blog. keep it up!!!
Day Care Dementia
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