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Inability to get a good night sleep and resulting daytime drowsiness is displayed in many older adults, especially those with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. Sleep problems contribute to physical deterioration and mood problems. Caregivers of those with Alzheimer's disease have difficulty getting a good night's rest because of the patient's wandering, getting out of bed repeatedly and talking in bed.
A program of stimulating daytime activity for those with Alzheimer's disease and education for their caregivers may be helpful in controlling sleep problems. Prescribing sleep medicines is an option, too.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease, a brain disorder, is the most common form of dementia. Dementia, a general term for memory loss, difficulty learning and behavior changes, seriously interferes with daily life including problems sleeping. Many people with Alzheimer's disease exhibit changes in their patterns of sleep. Scientists do not completely understand why this occurs.
Normal Aging Sleep Changes
As we age our sleep changes. Sleep quality, quantity and type of sleep change. Older people have more trouble falling asleep and sleep for a shorter period of time. The time you are in deep sleep decreases, as well, as you age.
Sleep changes in Alzheimer's disease
Many people with Alzheimer's disease wake up more often and stay awake longer during the night. Brain wave studies display decreases in both dreaming and non-dreaming stages of sleep. Those who cannot sleep may wander, be unable to lie still or call out, which disrupts the sleep of their caregivers.
Daytime napping is common because of Alzheimer's medications. Because of napping during the day, night time sleep diminishes. Persons with Alzheimer's disease often become restless or agitated in the late afternoon or early evening. This is called "sundowning." As Alzheimer's disease progresses, these individuals spend more time in bed sleeping during the day and less time sleeping at night
Treatment Without Medication
There are some simple lifestyle changes that can help a person with Alzheimer's sleep better at night, according to a study called Nighttime Insomnia Treatment and Education for Alzheimer's Disease: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in May, 2005. Learning about good sleep habits, the benefits of moderate exercise and spending time in the sun helped those with Alzheimer's disease, this study reports.
Caregivers should encourage loved ones with Alzheimer's disease to go to bed at the same time every night. By observing a person with dementia, a good bedtime is discovered.
Finding triggers that awaken patients at night are identified. These problems include snoring by a bed partner, playful pets, or traffic noise, just to name a few. After learning what the triggers are, steps to eliminate these problems should be taken.
Eliminate daytime napping. Keep those with Alzheimer's disease mentally and physically active during the day. Adult day care programs help a great deal.
Remember to go outside with the person with Alzheimer's disease. Have him sit in a sunny room while watching television or other sitting activities. Some have suggested using a light box if there is not enough sun naturally
At night, make sure the room is dark. Keep heavy shades on the window to block early morning sunlight.
Treatment With Medication
In some cases, non-drug therapies do not work or the sleep changes are accompanied by difficult nighttime behaviors. Experts feel all about Sleep Problems & Alzheimer's Type Dementia
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5 years ago
If you wake up without having a good sleep, then there may be possibilities of Sleep apnea. It is the worst case and one cannot find it themselves. Consult your family members or your partner who sleep along with you regarding your problem. If you had Sleep apnea then proper care should be taken to cure the problem.
Eating during PM and not remembering. My husband found me sleeping in my car in the garage, thankful I didn't turn it on! Aggressive sexually with no memory, this was very troublesome because I only remembered very little. I stopped the medication when I finally realized there was a problem. Not a good medication for me.
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This is very informative post I like it. Person suffering from Alzheimer's disease is not so simple handle with. It requires a highly trained person to deal with as most of the time its not easy to take care of these patients. One can may find solution of this problem by hiring some kind of In Home Care services. Today there are so many organization who deal with this problem in highly professional way.
Alzheimer’s clinic Toronto
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