Monday, November 17, 2008

Engage With Grace Provides Valuable Tool for End-of-Life Discussion with Dementia

Our Alzheimer'
by Carol Bradley Bursack

From there, I became an advocate for caregivers and seniors, beginning with a newspaper column and expanding with a book, then blogs and articles. I wrote often about the conversations adult children and their parents should have. It is important to discuss these issues when your loved one is in the early stages of dementia or other disease processes

I reviewed books about making good wills. I had an estate attorney be a guest columnist to explain to my column readers the need for a will and the Powers of Attorney for health and finances. I also wrote often about how people should discuss with their family anything in the news that brought up end-of-life issues. I've been very vocal on about this whole concept.

There was just one teeny little problem I kept hidden under the the whole article

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