Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Creativity is alive and well with those who have Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

Read the story below about a writer with Alzheimer's disease. Even those who were not creative before the Alzheimer's or dementia struck, can be creative now with the right tools

BBC News Magazine August 18, 2008
An ailing brain with imagination undimmed
Last year Terry Pratchett, the bestselling author of the Discworld fantasies, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. How does the writer cope with a disease that whittles away at his brain?

When writer Terry Pratchett was told he had Alzheimer's disease, his first thought was "that's a bit of a bugger". That, and "I hope they hurry up and find a cure quick."

In December 2007, at the age of 59, the Discworld author was diagnosed with a rare early-onset form of the disease called Posterior Cortical Atrophy, or PCA.
read the whole story
Post a comment if you would like to know about how to help a person with Alzheimer's disease or another dementia, be creative

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